Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm extremely well-preserved. :P

So my semester is officially over with the turning in of my final papers for my Anthropology 101 class today. For better or worse, you know. We'll have to see. And after going to see one of my dearest friends blogs, I am inspired to write.

Last month I turned 30. I have a quirk. Okay, I have a lot of quirks, but I just want to talk about this one right now. I really enjoy shocking people with my actual age. Here is my reason: everyone, without fail, tells me (honestly! I can tell!) that I look much younger and they never would have guessed. You should see the looks I get when I tell people at school that I have three kids and my oldest is 6 1/2. They look at me like I'm either lying or I got married at 15.

When my Anthropology professor heard how old I am, his response was, "(pause...) My... you're extremely well-preserved." It made me laugh. I like him. He's quirky.

I have decided that as long as I can keep myself much less wrinkly than you'd expect for my age I will be pretty content with my looks (oh, and not get fat.) I want to be that lady with completely white hair and really young-looking skin. I think that's so attractive. I have no issues with my white hairs. I have lots of them. They're not due to age -- I started getting them in high school -- so I don't mentally equate them with age (although I continue to get more as I get older.) Also, I don't think of myself as old. All my siblings are older than me. Nearly all of my brothers- and sisters-in-law are older than me. I'm only 30. I'm still just a baby. Besides, I'm a college student. Since I never mentally matured much past... oh, 21, maybe? I fit right in. (Actually, it took me all this time to mentally mature to 21. Maybe 23? Most people think I'm 22 or 23. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!) But at 21 I had the mental maturity of a 17-year-old.

Wanna hear the truth? I have always been terrified of becoming an old stodgy person. I never wanted to be that middle-aged mom that was chubby and frumpy and no-more-fun. I always admired the moms that had vitality, that would get out with the teenagers and PLAY! and ENJOY IT! That's what I've always wanted to be when I grew up: that lady. The one that's just like a teenager, but wiser and possibly even more fun (have more experience and good ideas.) I want to go TPing in my 40's. Actually, I have a secret plan for a prank I want to pull on BYU campus... but probably after I graduate (so I don't get punished... maybe.) I have the perfect cover, too. Who would expect the middle-aged mom (because I will be by the time I graduate) to be pulling pranks? Nobody, that's who. I'll look as stodgy as I can that day, just to be sure.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, March 20, 2009

I am no longer 28.

Well, I guess technically I've got a few hours. But still. One more year to go and I'll no longer be a 20-something. I am Twenty-Nine. .... You know, I really feel it. Older. It's probably because I'm still awake. Because really, 29 is not older enough from 25 to FEEL it. Not physically. What did President Hinckley say? "Oh to be 81 again, when I could do anything." Yeah, well, I haven't hit the prime of life yet. And truthfully, I'm not allowed to complain about my age. I have a few dear friends that are a few years younger than I am, but the majority of the precious people in my life (including all the adults on my side of the family) are older than me. In fact, since my sister-in-law turned 30 last month I am the ONLY one on my side of the family that's still in her 20's. So I am perennially young. No matter how old I get, I will STILL be younger than all my siblings, their spouses, and, of course, my own spouse. (Mwahahahahaa!)

Why am I rambling on about this? Because it's nearly 3am. Because my haircut makes it so people don't mistake me for a 19-year-old anymore. (sad) Because I'm a little melancholy for no discernible reason (which is most likely why I'm still up.)

But do you know what makes me happy? It really IS Spring out there! There are leaves growing on my rose bushes and cherry trees (well, one of them.) There are flowers on my blueberry bushes (again, one of them.) There was a handsome little robin hopping around in my back yard yesterday while Darcy and I planted our plum tree. And it got up to nearly 70! It's supposed to be around that warm today, too!

You know what else makes me happy? Knowing my children will say, "Happy Birthday, Momma!" about a hundred times today, and get excited about cake, and sing to me, and ask if it's the first day of spring over and over, and then tell me "Happy Birthday!" again. Hopefully with hugs and kisses.

You know what else makes me happy? I asked Darcy if it was okay for me to go hang out with the girls tonight (we have something planned) even though it's my birthday and the anniversary of the day he proposed to me (he got me a birthday present, too, for the record. My ring was NOT IT.) and he said it's fine and he's happy I get to spend time with the girls. He's planning something fun for tomorrow night for just us♥ And! he got me neat presents, although they'll be in the mail for a while before they get to me. But I get to be all excited about them.

You know what else makes me happy? Having a thriving lemon verbena plant and a recipe for lemon verbena cake -- which I will make tomorrow for my birthday celebration tomorrow night!

Next year I'll turn 30 on a Saturday. We're throwing a big party. Like, BIG. (Darcy would never be able to make it a surprise -- not to save his life -- so I'm just going to plan it myself. :P)

All these happy thoughts! Maybe I should try to go to sleep. XP

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

I missed the countdown because I was in the bathroom, changing a shrieking three-year-old out of pee-soaked jammies. .... I hope this is not indicative of the kind of year I can expect. O_O (:P)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Because I'm a sucker

Guess what I got sucked into on Facebook?

I already do Dragon Cave, as if that's not enough. Sheesh.