Friday, May 30, 2008

He was early. Everything else has been late.

Shame on me for not posting before now, but I've been enjoying New Baby Bliss and haven't been on the computer much. It all started with a routine Fetal Non-Stress test....

May 5th was going to be an exciting day. I had my bi-weekly non-stress test at the hospital in the morning (for polyhydramnios and variations in the baby's heart rate during previous tests) and after that I'd be seeing my midwife and she'd check to see if we'd be able to induce the next week or if we'd have to wait longer. Well, that visit never happened. At my non-stress test there were more variations -- the baby's heart rate dropped with every contraction, more than once in a contraction. The specialist was consulted, and recommended I go immediately to the hospital I'd be delivering at to be induced (two weeks early.)

Being completely and absolutely unprepared, there was quite a bit of juggling to be done last minute. Fortunately my sister was heaven sent and watched my other children while I headed to the hospital. I called Darcy. He was working at a client's office 45 minutes or so north, but he could leave right away to meet me at the hospital. I got to the hospital at around 11 am, met with my midwife not long after to discuss the situation -- we'd take the specialists advice and get started, and got stabbed for my IV.

I'll skip the details. Suffice it to say that everything went smoothly, and at 7:28 that night our newest son joined the world, healthy, whole, although rather purple and slimy at first. (There was so much vernix. My other two babies were late, and much of the vernix had already absorbed into their skin.)

Little Hungry is beautiful. I think he'll have brown eyes. Even at two weeks early, he was 9 lbs, 8 oz, and 22 inches long. We're all glad he was early. Blue Eyes was three days late and he was 9 lbs, 5 oz (and 22 inches long.)

After a crazy week (where I spent all 48 hours after birth in the hospital being pampered -- it was kind of hard to leave) with Darcy taking much time off work to take care of everything, my mom arrived. She left this past Tuesday, having taken care of cooking (or buying something that didn't really require cooking) laundry, and dishes, and chasing small children for two weeks. I really appreciated it, of course, but you always appreciate that sort of thing MORE when it's gone.

Life is now settling into the new normal with Darcy going to work each day and I staying home with our three children. ... Eventually I'll get used to it. .... Eventually I'll be able to do more with my day than nurse, hold my baby, make lunch, and put Blue Eyes down for a nap. I look forward to Little Hungry getting on more of a schedule. He's still doing the newborn erratic unpredictable thing. (gosh darn if he isn't so cute, though.)

Little Hungry (who will hopefully get a better nickname in the near future) is the sweetest baby. He hardly ever cries, and then only briefly, as if to get my attention that he needs something. He's so sweet while he's awake, looking curiously around as best he can. He has the most mobile little face -- makes the most wonderful expressions. Darcy commented that babies are a little more interesting when they can move and play and talk and stuff. I agreed. Newborns are for mothers, I said. They sleep, and nurse, and cuddle, and love and need you, and that's about it. (They don't talk back, they don't climb on you and hurt you, or break your pretty things, or DRAW on your PILLOWCASES -- that's a story for another day -- or tell you they're going to shoot you and get a new mommy -- yes, my daughter said this today when I made her lie down for quiet time. Where did she learn that sort of thing??? -- they're just sweet.)

Every day I watch my newborn grow, and it makes me a little sad. I try to remember to treasure each moment as much as I can because I know how much I'll miss this time when it's gone. Anyway, welcome to the world, my boy. As beautiful and fascinating as it is, it's much more wonderful with you in it.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

I hear the smartest people are born May 5th!

Congrats! He is beautiful!