Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Just a few things I'm thankful for this holiday season:

* I'm thankful for this nation. No matter what happens in the future, no matter what I don't particularly like about the present, I will always, no matter what, love this nation for it's past. The United States of America is the birthplace of true religious freedom, a beacon of hope to the suffering of the world, and a nation founded with the help of God and the sweat and blood of some of the best men who have lived. John Adams is one of my favorite historical figures. Whatever this nation becomes, it has already made its stamp on the pages of history as one of the best and brightest civilizations ever. I love our nation. I love our flag, and what it represents. I love the Star Spangled Banner. I wish it were required to learn all the verses because they are beautiful and inspired. I love this country, and I hope the very best for it. No matter what.

* I'm thankful for my family. I'm not particularly good with small children in general, and I'm not a great housekeeper, so I spend most of my time doing things I'm not good at. It's frustrating and disappointing and sometimes I forget that I'm good at anything. EVEN SO!! I'm so grateful for my children. The moments I held each of them in my arms for the first time, touched them, knew them, are some of the very best moments in my entire life. They're bright. They're healthy. They're strong-willed, and even if that makes me pull my hair out now, I will be thanking heaven for it over and over when they're older and have testimonies of their own. I've got three sweet kids, and they're the best.

* Darcy is part of my family, but he gets a special entry all his own. I'm so thankful for such a wonderful husband! I'm one of the most blessed women on earth. I have a husband who personifies sacrifice, selflessness, hard-work, tenderness and concern. In spite of all my many failings and weaknesses he can still tell me (honestly!) that I'm wonderful and beautiful and amazing, even while carrying so much of my load and supporting me in ways unimaginable to most people. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have him fall in love with me. I'd say he has odd taste, but I think he might not like that. He seems to get irritated with people who insult me (including me.)

* I'm thankful to have a home that we own and are building equity in. We have a yard. We have apple trees (that will hopefully bear next year -- we've pruned them to nearly bushes) and grape vines and a garden, and still have room for the kids to run around. We have rose bushes. We have space. We have possibilities. Even if I can't afford to remodel (or paint!) right now, I have fun dreaming about what I could do if I had enough spare cash. And I totally COULD. Because we OWN this house!

* I'm thankful for my parents, for all they've taught me and instilled in me (you know, the good stuff, right Mom and Dad?) over the years and the way it's shaped my life and made me who I am. I'm thankful for their counsel and advice, some of which has been literally life-changing (in the best way.) I'm especially thankful that each of them gained testimonies of their own and joined the church, and that their love of the Lord and His Gospel continued to burn brightly all through my childhood. That light has guided me always. My parents are never more powerful than when moved by their testimonies.

* I'm thankful for good friends that the Lord has guided me to, for the ways they've changed my life, buoyed me up, and gladdened my heart. For the things they've taught me, the reminders they've given me, and the laughter they've shared with me (or inspired in me.) They are jewels to me.

* I'm thankful for siblings that I count as good friends, especially my sister. What a blessing to be friends with your closest relations, and what particularly awesome friends/relations I have! Darcy says that the one person who has shaped my life as much as or more than my parents is my sister, and he's entirely right. I'm so thankful for all the things she's taught me, and continues to teach me, and for the mutual support and admiration we have for each other. She is such a strength to me. (And my brothers are pretty awesome, too, especially as I get to re-know them as an adult. Sorry, guys, I totally don't mean to slight you by praising our sister!)

That's the shortlist. Time to get cookin'. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May this day of gratitude usher in the Christmas season with the proper spirit as we prepare to celebrate the greatest Gift, the most joyous reason for Thanksgiving in the history of the children of God -- the birth, life, death, and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Love you guys!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A picture for today.

Poppet with her teacher for dance class.

(For some reason, I can't add another picture, so I'll just have to post another one tomorrow or something. ♥)

Monday, November 3, 2008

What?? It's November already???

You know, I realize life is only going to get busier, which makes me tremble for the future. Ah well. Poppet has two more weeks of dance class, and then her recital (actually on the last day of dance class) and then that's over. I'll try to make sure my camcorder is all set and record it. Maybe I'll figure out how to edit it into segments and post some of the best ones here. :)

In other news I have a bunch of stuff to do for the SCA this month (which is fun but also stressful) but that will wrap up after the 15th. Then we have some holiday plans for Thanksgiving that I need to start taking from the vague realm of "general plans" to the more concrete realm of "well-laid out, detailed plans" and then to "reality." And then I need to figure out how to make a Christmas out of what's left of our budget. :P Not that Christmas needs to be expensive, but when the purse is thin you have to pick and choose your activities more.

One thing I definitely want to do is make cinnamon ornaments. You make a cookie-dough like substance out of cinnamon, apple sauce, and GLUE, roll it out, cut it into shapes, poke holes for strings and let them dry. You can also decorate with, for example, those little silver ball candy things. I think that would be really fun to do with the kids, and they smell great. :D

Anyone else have ideas for cheap, fun, child-friendly Christmas-y things? I'm just about ready to wrap the presents I've gotten for my kids (one big-ish thing each) but I want to get some small, cheap things, too. I'm thinking replacement play-doh. But I also want to get one of those cheap little child suits you find at, like, Wal-Mart (and a tie!) because Blue Eyes is going to be a Sunbeam in Primary come January!! I also love getting a Christmas dress for Poppet. Hm. Not sure how to go about that this year. Can't put it under the tree if I want her to wear it the Sunday before Christmas, now can I?

Also on the horizon: Doctor's visits. Insurance doesn't cover much these days (like all the shots your infant has to have to be allowed to go to school. Yeah, they only pay so much per year per child so most of those first two years of visits and shots ends up being out of pocket, the scumbags) so more frugality. I need to go in, too. Something's wrong with my adrenal glands, apparently, and I need to get it fixed.

And now I feel like an old lady, discussing medical stuff. I'll stop. (Bleah.)

What else is new? Darcy and my brother worked on pruning the apple trees on Saturday. There's a lot more to do, and some of it will involve calling the power company so we don't bust the lines that go to our house (through one of the apple trees.) Apparently our grapes can wait until February? but there are still some grapes out there and we might be able to get a few more quarts of juice out of them. Gotta bake bread sometime this week. Busy busy busy. And I'm already dreaming of our garden in the spring.

And poor Little Hungry is sick. He's really congested, poor fellow. He's having a hard time eating and sleeping. I need to go run errands, but I just CANNOT wake him up. I'm sure he needs the rest, the little guy.

And I think I've about babbled myself out for the moment. :P Anyone doing NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) this year? ... Yeah, I'm not.