We realized early this month that the house we had verbally agreed to rent was not going to be un-occupied by the owner's son before we had to move... so new housing arrangements needed to be made. And fast. .... So we're buying a house. (.....E!!!!GAD!!!!!!! -- But now I can eventually have a cat.)
Last Monday we found out it was for sale and decided to look at it. (My sister-in-law's cousin owns it and she was wrong about the price by about $40,000.) We fell in love with it. (It also happens, ironically and interestingly, to be the house my parents owned when I was born. My neighbor pointed out that it will be my first house ever in two different ways now.) We decided to see if we could do anything at all to buy it. We found that we could, miraculously. We agreed on a price and terms on Saturday and began the intensive mortgage approval process today. We will be literally around the corner from my oldest brother and his five kids. Apparently our neighbor to the north is super excited we're moving in. It seems she likes kids. :) (Good to know, and a relief. We'll be in that house for probably many many years.)
So now I'm all nervous about meeting people I will know for a long, long time. New ward, new neighbors. It will be nice to live in a less transient area. Less students, more actual families. But we've never lived anywhere for more than two years, so it's intimidating to me. First impressions and all that.
I swore I'd never live in Utah, or at least get out before Poppet started high school. Yep, nope. Sounds like not. I'monna raise me some Utards (and clearly, I will have to remove that word from my vocabulary) -- no offense to any of the truly awesome people I know who were raised in Utah!
I wonder how seminary will work if I homeschool the whole time....
And now, a few pictures of our summer:
I painted this butterfly for Poppet at the Stake Picnic a month or two ago.
He oozes charm -- what a funny little guy.
Made. Of. Cute.
I won't put up pictures of Darcy and I. No one wants to see us anyhow. :P No, I'll probably put one up from Friday. It's our six year anniversary, and we are going OUT. :D
I do, however, need to post a video of Little Hungry laughing. I'll make it it's own post, though. Baby gurgles are the happiest sounds EVER.
1 comment:
So, DUH we're moving to Utah ... where we will most likely remain until, um, the Second Coming. My mother is in absolute denial about it and continues to trash-talk Utah at every opportunity. (Most of the time I agree with her, but I will never admit it.) SO WHERE ARE YOU MOVING?!?!?!?!?! City? Address? Pictures of the house?
Also, SO jealous that Little Hungry is laughing ... Jordan wants to really badly but he's not quite there yet.
I looked into homeschooling Nathan as well - back when we were throwing around the idea of staying next year, when he'll start kindergarten. I did a lot of research, and my favorite by far is Heritage Home School. Write Mark Kelso at infopack@heritagehomeschool.com for more information. (If you haven't already found a home school, of course!)
Love and toodles!
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