Monday, November 3, 2008

What?? It's November already???

You know, I realize life is only going to get busier, which makes me tremble for the future. Ah well. Poppet has two more weeks of dance class, and then her recital (actually on the last day of dance class) and then that's over. I'll try to make sure my camcorder is all set and record it. Maybe I'll figure out how to edit it into segments and post some of the best ones here. :)

In other news I have a bunch of stuff to do for the SCA this month (which is fun but also stressful) but that will wrap up after the 15th. Then we have some holiday plans for Thanksgiving that I need to start taking from the vague realm of "general plans" to the more concrete realm of "well-laid out, detailed plans" and then to "reality." And then I need to figure out how to make a Christmas out of what's left of our budget. :P Not that Christmas needs to be expensive, but when the purse is thin you have to pick and choose your activities more.

One thing I definitely want to do is make cinnamon ornaments. You make a cookie-dough like substance out of cinnamon, apple sauce, and GLUE, roll it out, cut it into shapes, poke holes for strings and let them dry. You can also decorate with, for example, those little silver ball candy things. I think that would be really fun to do with the kids, and they smell great. :D

Anyone else have ideas for cheap, fun, child-friendly Christmas-y things? I'm just about ready to wrap the presents I've gotten for my kids (one big-ish thing each) but I want to get some small, cheap things, too. I'm thinking replacement play-doh. But I also want to get one of those cheap little child suits you find at, like, Wal-Mart (and a tie!) because Blue Eyes is going to be a Sunbeam in Primary come January!! I also love getting a Christmas dress for Poppet. Hm. Not sure how to go about that this year. Can't put it under the tree if I want her to wear it the Sunday before Christmas, now can I?

Also on the horizon: Doctor's visits. Insurance doesn't cover much these days (like all the shots your infant has to have to be allowed to go to school. Yeah, they only pay so much per year per child so most of those first two years of visits and shots ends up being out of pocket, the scumbags) so more frugality. I need to go in, too. Something's wrong with my adrenal glands, apparently, and I need to get it fixed.

And now I feel like an old lady, discussing medical stuff. I'll stop. (Bleah.)

What else is new? Darcy and my brother worked on pruning the apple trees on Saturday. There's a lot more to do, and some of it will involve calling the power company so we don't bust the lines that go to our house (through one of the apple trees.) Apparently our grapes can wait until February? but there are still some grapes out there and we might be able to get a few more quarts of juice out of them. Gotta bake bread sometime this week. Busy busy busy. And I'm already dreaming of our garden in the spring.

And poor Little Hungry is sick. He's really congested, poor fellow. He's having a hard time eating and sleeping. I need to go run errands, but I just CANNOT wake him up. I'm sure he needs the rest, the little guy.

And I think I've about babbled myself out for the moment. :P Anyone doing NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) this year? ... Yeah, I'm not.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I am all about the super frugality thing, so give me a call if you want any ideas for reducing your budget. I've got lots. :)

As far as a Christmas activity that isn't expensive, one thing we did when I was growing up was make our own wrapping paper. You can use pieces of butcher paper or just cut up brown paper bags from the grocery store. Take some potatoes and cut them in half, then cut Christmas shapes on them (i.e. holly, a Christmas tree, a bell, etc.), then dip them in red or green paint and stamp the images all over the paper. Finger painting on wrapping paper is fun, too. It costs less than buying wrapping paper (particularly if you use free paper bags, and I've even got a homemade recipe for finger paint if you want it), and grandparents especially love getting small gifts wrapped in their grandchildren's "art."

We should talk and compare notes on how to save money. I figure that now that I'm not working outside the home, my biggest contribution to our family's finances is stopping the money from going out of our bank account. I've been amazed at how I've been able to cut a lot of our expenses by making a few small changes.